A weekend designed to encourage churches on the Via Beata who want to use the trail as part of their outreach in the locality. Steve and Gill Eggleton joined us to share with the Pilgrim and Long Stratton Benefice their vision for the Way stations and the trail from Lowestoft to St Davids. The day had been carefully planned with some teaching, worship, testimonies and lots of interactive sessions. Sadly only a few joined from the local churches – although as the day went on we gathered a few more. As a result the plan went out the window and the Lord stepped in. We may not have fulfilled the plan, but we did have a Spirit filled day of sharing, growth and fellowship finishing with the Healing Service in the evening lead by Tim. Sunday morning saw Tim, Georgina and Dave Robbens with Steve and Gill in three churches promoting TFM and Via Beata and preaching and giving testimony as requested. This led to an amazing response on Sunday afternoon when Angie Baldwin – the local Waterways chaplain - led us in a beautiful Celtic Evening Prayer. There were representatives from each church and Georgina spoke - challenging the Christian brothers and sisters to step out of their comfort zones and share the gospel of Jesus with someone this week! All were sent away with a KGP and postcard to begin their challenge, with a real buzz, excitement and joy as to what God is doing. With thanks to Chris, John and Angie and all the lovely folk who joined us!