AWAKE Suffolk Coastal
Saturday 6 to Sunday 14 September 2025
Training events
For anyone wanting to be involved in this mission, whether as a TFM team member or from local churches to attend a training event is a great start (compulsory for team members!).
See here for details and an up to date list of dates.
To sign up to be a team member, click here.

What is AWAKE Suffolk Coastal?
AWAKE Suffolk Coastal is a mission to East Suffolk planned for Sept 2025. Watch this introduction video, an invite to Churches and individuals to be part of this great venture.
The mission area is roughly that of the local government boundary 'Suffolk Coastal' and including Ipswich, as shown on the map below.
A partnership between the local church and Through Faith Missions (TFM)
TFM offer a whole range of activities and events.
A strong emphasis on getting out to where the people are by visiting homes, pubs, schools, workplaces, etc.
An ability to work well with children and youth, a crucial area for churches today
Encouraging evangelism among men through specific events.
A willingness to innovate and do new things.
Each centre will be a local mission to the local community, reaching out beyond the usual church programmes and physical walls to bring the gospel to a needy world. As well as local missions, there will be coordinated events run across the whole area.

How can I get involved with the Mission?

Planning is important but prayer is essential. We want to promote as much prayer as possible.
Prayer materials specially developed for this mission will be available soon.
Financial support

TFM exists entirely by gifts and does not charge fees for missions. If you feel able to support this mission financially, please contact the TFM office.
Team members
Men and women serve on mission teams. No previous experience is necessary, just a heart to share the good news of Jesus. TFM will provide training, though we welcome those with specific skills. For an application form, contact the TFM office.
Local churches

Every church leader is offered a visit to give them the information they need to decide with their congregation if they will be involved. We believe that this type of mission can benefit churches of all sizes, styles and denominations because the mission is tailored to fit your needs.
Local Christians have many ways to be involved, in addition to those noted above. You could offer to help with the planning or the follow up or offer a bed or meal.
The mission is currently in the preparation phase as Church leaders are contacted to inform and encourage them to join in. Once we know who is participating more information will be added here.
Church Briefing Sessions
These were for for church leaders but the main sessions have not completed. Anyone wishing to know more about being involved as a church should contact the TFM office.
Note though that a nominal cut off date of 31 March has been set, purely for the logistics of planning and selecting a team to serve at a church. Never the less contact us and let's have a chat.
Training for Church members in outreach
Anyone from the local churches is welcome to attend the training event at All Saints Church in Ipswich on Saturday 26 June. The event is centred around preparing people to serve on both TFM teams and from a church who is hosting a team. A outline of the day can be seen here where you can also book in for the day. Booking is essential please so that we can cater for the correct numbers.
A flyer for the mission can be downloaded here. Printed copies are available from the TFM office for the cost of postage.
Some resources for the mission can be accessed here.