Our history

Through Faith Missions was founded by Rev Daniel Cozens in 1985 and it became a charity and a limited company in 1991. Daniel's vision was to work outside of the normal church buildings and programmes to reach those who don't normally come to church. He began to speak in pubs, homes, clubs, the open-air; anywhere that he could bring the gospel message and was soon joined in this task by Rev Peter Adams.
In 1991 Daniel had a particular vision to plan an extraordinary three-week mission down the Pennine Way. The impact was immense with many coming to know Christ. Daniel and Peter were joined on this mission by over 600 men and a few woman, organised into teams. This was the first 'Walk of 1,000 Men' and it became the main focus of TFM's work from there onwards. There have now been 18 such Walk missions, the latest being Walk Cornwall II in 2013, a return visit to the county after 20 years, the first Walk Cornwall being held in 1993.
Since then over 4,000 men and woman have participated in our missions, large and small; from a single church, to a village, town, Deanery, Circuit all the way up to whole counties or regions. Many hundreds of missions, and many hundreds of people of all ages who have heard the gospel, many for the first time and responded. At the bottom of this page is a map showing where the larger missions have taken place up until the present day.
Daniel retired as leader in 2012 and a number of others have stepped into the role of leading TFM up to Dan Holland in 2023.

TFM continues to receive requests for help to run missions today as we continue to help churches and organisations take the gospel of Jesus Christ out of our churches and onto the streets to where the people are. The evidence for this can be seen in our News reports!

Here are a few of those who have served recently on mission. Why not come and join us and be part of the ongoing wonderful story of TFM sharing the good news of Jesus.