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Through Faith Missions
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TFM News

To keep our team members, prayer partners and supporters up to date with what's going on we use a number of means both printed and electronic. These include our printed newsletter, emails and news pages below.

Printed Newsletter
TFM produces a regular printed newsletter and prayer diary, with latest news, reports and insights into what is coming up. The prayer diary details the main missions and events for the coming few months.
A short newsletter sent by email three or four times a year to supplement our main newsletter. Like the main newsletter it has articles on the work of TFM plus links to other related items to assist you in your prayer.
Prayer Mail
More up-to-date detail on what is taking place, particularly as many events tend to come in after we have published our newsletters. This weekly update by email will really keep you in touch with what is happening.

Latest News

Unfiltered Gospel
A new podcast series sharing an unfiltered gospel by talking about the real message of Jesus
Breakfast Bite
Dan Holland joins Nathan Thomas to bring 'Today's Breakfast Bite. Updated each week with a new video.
A little bit of faith
A new article by Dan has just been published in Pure magazine
Knowing God Personally
Dan Holland interviews Rev. Roy Monks about knowing God personally