Mission at St Peter's Rushden July 2022
George Martin, Team Leader, reflects on the mission weekend.
The mission weekend in Rushden felt so right as we prayed for 2 new team members who had never been on a TFM mission before and God sent us Matthew and Robert who both fitted in so well and really enjoyed themselves being fully involved from the first moment.
We started on Friday evening at 6pm with a team time which included locals and then on to a joint supper in the church with the PCC and lay readers and, of course, Rev Rachel Hawkins and her husband Andy (who has given up his job to work full time alongside Rachel). At the supper we all gave our testimonies in answer to the question, given to all who were present 'What brought you to St Peter's?'
Saturday was very warm and we all went to Party in the Park which started at 1pm to 5pm. In the morning we helped put up the church Gazebo and then went round the park helping others to do the same and praying with many of them.
During lunch we shared our sandwiches with about 10 other stalls and some melon for a lady vegetarian, she was most taken with that. We went back especially for her.
In the afternoon we manned the stall and spent most of our time talking about Jesus to lots of complete strangers and giving out KGPs , Sorted ,What ifs and cards saying Joy or Hope or Love (Great idea Georgina).
We always had a crowd around us and were easily the busiest area of the park with wonderful conversations everywhere. We spoke to people of all ages.
A granny answered the questions hesitantly but her 9 year old grandson didn't, being very sure and answering as a Christian would and he definitely wanted to know God personally. Two minutes later another 9 year old boy with his mum with him , gave exactly the same replies. What joy.
In the evening we had a games event with a fish and chip supper in the church hall with the locals, but there turned out to be 4 portions too many. So Rev Rachel and Robert took them and knocked on the doors down the street until they had supplied 4 families with an unexpected fish supper. Now that's outreach.
On Sunday we took part in the service with Matthew giving his testimony and 7 responding to the appeal, including one recommitment and a 9 year old boy with his granny.
After lunch the team left me asleep in the church at 2pm while they started door to door. I caught up with them at 2.30pm and joined Jeremy on the doors. We spoke to 7 people in 2 hours with hardly any spare time. Brian said it was probably one of the best time any of us had had on the doors.
We finished the day with a time of prayer and praise finishing with the team members praying for all the locals individually.
On Monday morning we had a short prayer time before setting off home at 10.30am. A very successful and joyful time.
Thank you all ,especially the Prayer Warriors for your prayers.
Your brother in Christ, George.