TFM Conference 2023
Wolverhampton Saturday 7 October

What a day! Where were you!
Approximately 60 people gathered to worship together and hear about what TFM are doing in Wolverhampton, the location of a recent joint mission with St Mary's Bushbury, International Life Centre and Hope Church (you can read about that mission here).
Dan Holland writes,
‘The annual conference was well attended and full of encouragement. Under the general theme of ‘The fields are white to harvest’ the four speakers; myself, Rev Ian, Pastor Graham and Pastor Emmanuel brought complementary messages with a prophetic edge for TFM. We had a small film crew at the conference putting together a new promo video (out in November), they were delighted with the footage they got.
As always there was lovely fellowship between TFMers and local churches, particularly so as this conference was hosted in Wolverhampton by the leaders above. We thank God for the May mission there this year. The day was characterised by worship, thankfulness, laughter, and unity of purpose. A high point was going out to worship at the local shopping arcade over the lunch break, some 35 of us. Hallelujah!’
The talks from Dan Holland and each of the 3 pastors can be heard below. See also the slide show of photos from the day at the bottom.
Dan Holland gives the opening address entitled 'The Master, the Mission, the Message'
Ian Poole, Vicar of St Mary's Church spoke on 'Ushering His Glory.
Graham Phillips from Hope Church spoke on 'Stay Awake'.
Emmanuel Kapofu, Pastor of ILC, spoke using the conference title, 'The Fields are as White to the Harvest'.
Paul Preston, TFM Chair of Trustees gives a welcome.
David Baslington gives a short overview of finances and other administration matters
A slide gallery of photos from the day.