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Through Faith Missions
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A Vision for TFM 

A message from Dan Holland, TFM Lead Evangelist

danholland 600pxwideLast Saturday (14 Sept 2024) at Wessex CF, Basingstoke, we gathered with our core supporters and friends for the annual conference. It was a momentous occasion for several reasons. We celebrated all the wonderful things God has been doing in this last year, including our partnership with the Basingstoke churches, and I also shared a burgeoning new vision for TFM. Next year will be our 40th anniversary, and we need fresh vision.

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint;
but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. (Pro 29v 18)

Biblical vision is accessed by faith and proximity to Jesus, it cannot be found in the natural realm. In the life of faith,  what we see with our ‘spiritual eyes’ is more real than what we see with our carnal eyes. Famously, Abraham left everything he knew and cherished for everything he did not, even as an old man. Why? He was a man of vision,

Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations,
a city designed and built by God. (Hebrews 11v 10)

So what does God want of TFM? Where is He taking us and what is He asking of us? What is the best use of our finite resources? I’ve been relentlessly seeking Him, I believe TFM is integral to God’s plan for the evangelisation of this nation. He has been whispering His thoughts to me, and to us!



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God has been causing me to find symbolic significance in the five digits of the human hand. Why? It speaks of TFM reaching out into the world, as it were, the hand of God. The thumb represents a new logo for TFM, the refreshed brand of TFM works with each of the other four fingers, but more of that later.

The first finger is a new generation of TFMers raised up and working alongside the seasoned evangelists of TFM. My constant cry is, ‘God send us the next generation’. The second finger represents big missions which are so much easier to recruit and train for. Suffolk 2025 beckons with our call for 100 evangelists. The third finger is  Kenya, our foreign mission planned for next year. Our friend pastor James spoke to us at the conference! The little finger is chaplaincy, it gets into those nooks and crannies that other fingers can’t reach. For the last 2 years I’ve being going to Download heavy metal festival with a TFM team, now a mainstay of our yearly calendar. Chaplaincy involves different skills, including innovative evangelism, so God is sharpening us. In the coming weeks I will be writing more comprehensively about these 5 points of vision.


God has given this vision because He wants to propel us forward. TFM can’t expect to keep doing things the way it did 30-40 years ago and get the same results. The gospel hasn’t changed but our methods of presenting it must. Society is unrecognisable from the beginning of TFM in 1985. We must spread our sails wide to catch the wind of the Spirit again, wherever it may take us. God wants us to live expansive and generous lives as we seek His Kingdom. We can’t be any bigger than our vision, it’s time to dream again. Much is at stake, including the eternal destiny of this  nation, to whom we are called to evangelise.


So we honour the glorious past of TFM while moving forwards focused on the future. This will involve much hard work, and embracing the discomfort of change but, what we see with our spiritual eyes is more real than what we see with our physical eyes! We must not despise the day of small things (Zech 4:10).  Vision necessitates FAITH - without faith we can’t please God. Of course the enemy does not want TFM to transition and flourish, but as we follow Jesus together we can outwit him and avoid His traps. The moment of receiving vision is exciting and impactful – the road to fulfilled vision is long with many hindrances, much prayerful wisdom is needful.  Together, we will see TFM thriving in another season as a new generation rally to the cause of Christ,

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations
and then the end will come. (Matt 24v 24)

Exciting times! God bless you,
Dan (Lead Evangelist)
TFM Logo - Main

Please study the following slides, presented at the conference.


An animation of the new logo.

A recording of Dan's full talk from the conference.  Note that the introduction slide plays for 24sec before the start starts.