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Through Faith Missions
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Basingstoke 2024 - A mission report 

Here are 2 accounts from the mission.  The first from Ross Healey who acted as team leader at Melrose Christian friendship and New Life Community Church and the second from Christine Hayhoe, a team member based at Wessex Christian Fellowship.  See also the slide show at the end.

Ross writes.

Ross'The week started on a high with all the team gathered for the inspiring TFM conference held at Wessex Christian Fellowship.

Great support from both churches, Melrose Christian Fellowship and New Life Community Church. Our experienced and committed team had a full programme of activities to work from.

We were very pleased to see that many of the activities were “new”, the church trying experimental activities while the team was serving. This included a shared worship service with 6 churches represented, different types of evening outreach in Basingstoke centre, pop-up cafes and introductory Bible studies. One pop up café attracted the interest of a reporter and we ended up with a positive report in the local paper.

A town centre outreach with worship, dance and testimony was supported by 20 plus local evangelists using TFM resources

Some lovely hosting by the members of local churches included delicious meals followed by testimonies and prayer late into the night. 

The week ended on a high as the team took part in an absolutely packed community breakfast with three young lads receiving Christ as their Saviour. 

We have much to be grateful for and look ahead expectantly to see what plans God has for Basingstoke. '



And now Christina's report

Chris Hayhoe basingstoke'Returning to Basingstoke was encouraging as we could see the local churches beginning to respond to the call to join the teams on the ‘frontline’.  Based at Wessex Christian Fellowship, church members from there and from Healing Springs joined us on occasion doing the door-to-door surveys. We  set up pop-up tables outside the WCF building and also the local shopping precinct doing surveys with local people there. Teams also went further afield to Basingstoke station, meeting those just coming off trains and waiting for buses.    Our teams joined an Open the Book initiative going into a local school and also helped out at a local food bank and warm space set up, where we talked and prayed with those coming to receive help and friendship.
Thank you to Tao and the team for the prayer support.  WCF asked for copies of all the prayer post-it notes that were sent off daily and they have undertaken to continue lifting those situations to our amazing listening God.   It’s so encouraging to know that whilst the team has left, the local church has not dropped the baton. Keep going!'