TFM Staff and Trustees Retreat 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported us in prayer for this event, a chance for us all to get together to share in fellowship, prayer and planning for the ongoing ministry.
We met at Quidenham Monastery in Suffolk, a beautiful place of prayer and enjoyed the calm atmosphere and walks in the grounds (very wet under foot - we waded through water in a couple of places!). Warmly welcomed by Sister Teresa, we were also invited to share in Vespers on the Thursday which I don't think any of us had ever done before.
Accommodation was in a local B&B and so we shared dinner at 2 local restaurants in the evenings. We were well fed!

Also joining us on the last day was Chris Watts, who is leading the preparation for AWAKE Suffolk Coastal in Sept 2025.
From L to R: Chris Watts, Dan Holland, Tony Males, Philip Keeble, Peter Sammons, Paul Preston and David Baslington.
Topics discussed were;
Staffing, a new evangelist to work with Dan We have been contacting various training institutions to see whether we could link with a student as a trainee or intern. And also seeking contacts for someone who might wish to work for TFM.
Staffing, Administration. David retires in September 2025 and the Trustees explored options for a new appointment or the outsourcing of various tasks. Also the possible use of supporters to help with certain duties.
Missions. We discussed the various missions that are planned for 2025 and beyond, majoring on AWAKE Suffolk Coastal when Chris Watts joined us.
Office. We continue to seek God about were TFM should be based and also, in a connected way, the need for Dan and family to be able to find a secure home.
Reaching the next generation of supporters.
All backed by prayer as we went alone.