Getting involved personally

TFM is made up of a many individuals who give their time, energy and finances to help serve the local church of all denominations, universities and organisations in the work of evangelism.

Involvement can range from committing to regularly pray for our work, to giving financially on a one off or regular basis, through to joining a mission as a team member.

To learn more about being involved in prayer click here

To learn more about giving to our work click here

To sign up for one of our training events click here

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To learn more about becoming a Team member read on......

Door survey workWhen Jesus called the very first disciples they were fishermen, used to working in teams with their nets.  Jesus said that he would equip them for a new task – bringing in a new catch of people who would follow him.  Then, in Luke chapter 10, we see Jesus sending out “72 others” to take the good news to nearby villages; these are people whose names we never learn but their mission was effective.  

At the end of this same gospel, Jesus told all his followers that they were “witnesses of these things”; that is, they were to take the message about his life, death and resurrection to the whole world.
So … why is it that so many Christians seem afraid of evangelism or try to avoid it?  Becoming a team member might seem to you a huge step, to go away on a mission team for a week to an unfamiliar place to share the good news of Jesus, quite possibly in situations that will be new for you.  

Be encouraged to step out in faith and give it a go …

IMG0177 403pxIf you come on a TFM mission you will need to attend a training event.  At these we use tried and tested materials developed since our first Walk mission in 1991 and updated to be relevant to todays culture.  The sessions cover all the activities that you are likely to encounter during a mission week.  Many Christians simply lack this basic equipping.  The genius of these training events, however, is that they include some experience of practical evangelism.  You go home not with just a set of notes but with some experiences of sharing your faith.  In the end you learn to share your faith by doing it and crossing this line is a crucial point in removing fear, fear of the unknown.

Evangelism was never intended to be a lonely solo activity, like night river fishing.  Jesus sent people out in pairs and so do we – and in bigger groups where it’s helpful, e.g. for school assemblies.  All of our missions use teams, drawn from a variety of ages and with a wide range of skills.  Within these teams newer people learn from others and skills are exchanged. The realisation that it doesn’t all depend on you is truly liberating as is the shared daily spiritual life of the team.


Team leaders have considerable experience of TFM missions and seek to guide those under their care.  They make contact with their teams prior to the mission, keep you in touch with the developing mission programme and will sometimes ask you to prepare for specific events.  So the mission doesn’t come at you “out of the blue”.

Your faith will grow

Team in a schoolFaith is like a muscle; it grows when it is exercised!
We have a saying: “You will grow in your faith more in one week on a mission than you will do in 52 weeks in a pew.”  This is not to dismiss regular on-going Christian work in your own church but it recognises that sometimes we engage in this in a way that is fairly comfortable for us.  When you are on a mission team there will be unexpected encounters, individual conversations with people who ask you questions you hadn’t considered, and often the joy of seeing someone make a clear step of faith.  Also there is often the opportunity to be involved in something you’ve never done before; for example, you might take part in a school assembly for the first time (working with others who are more experienced) or share your faith in a home meeting or a pub.  

Where can I go on Mission?

For a list of upcoming missions, click here.

How do I apply to be a Team member?

To apply to be a team member on any of our missions please contact the office at TFM at the address below.
We will then send to you an application form.  Please be as forthcoming as you can on the form; it’s really helpful to know about your skills, interests and background.  

As part of the application process we will ask your minister or church leader for a reference as to your suitability for this sort of Christian work.